How On-Demand Small Business Inventory Storage Solutions Simplify Management

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Inventory management is crucial to small business operations, particularly when that business plans to grow. Small business inventory storage can be costly, and poor inventory practices can jeopardize your business’s success. That’s why it’s crucial to maintain the best inventory storage solutions possible.

Many small businesses have traditionally relied on warehouses and self-storage facilities to store their inventory. But new, full service storage options have been becoming increasingly popular. That’s because on-demand storage solutions are proving reliable, efficient, secure, and affordable–precisely what’s needed with small business inventory management.  

Inventory Storage That’s Efficient

One of the most significant challenges of small business inventory storage is monitoring inventory, as stock can be difficult to track. Unaccounted-for stock can mean over-ordered and expired inventory–which means lost revenue. Fortunately, on-demand service options can help you monitor your stock.

By using cloud-based technology, some on-demand storage companies can give you an accurate and up-to-date account of your inventory. With digital tracking, inventory monitoring is possible from your phone, so you don’t even need to step foot in a warehouse!

With on-demand storage, pickup and dropoff are simple as scheduling a delivery. Does your small business have multiple locations? Schedule a dropoff of inventory to whatever storefront you’d like. There’s no need to worry about renting your own moving truck and delivery services.

Inventory Storage That’s Secure

When it comes to small business inventory management, warehouse theft is a costly problem. Storage unit theft becomes common when access is granted widely to movers and other staff.

Fortunately, on-demand storage helps limit the risk of inventory theft. By limiting those with access to your storage, you reduce the risk of theft. There’s no need to grant broad access to an assortment of staff and third-party movers. Simply schedule drop-off dates for your items, and leave storage security to your reliable and secure storage solution.  

Does your inventory contain sensitive items or confidential documents? On-demand storage providers like STASH offer options to keep your items secure, safe, and confidential

Inventory Storage That’s Affordable

Inventory storage can be a significant expense for small businesses. The expense is exacerbated when companies rent large amounts of space they don’t fully use. 

For many businesses, the problem is that, even if they aren’t using every inch of space, they still need to maintain flexibility in case of increased demand or seasonal fluctuations in supply. So, in the end, small businesses often spend significant funds on storage space they don’t always use. 

On-demand storage ensures that small businesses aren’t paying for storage space they aren’t using. With flexible storage options, full service storage like STASH only charge for what’s actually stored at any given time. It’s a great option to take the cost out of costly small business inventory management.

STASH Storage: The Full Storage Inventory Management Solution

Are you a small business looking for a reliable, efficient, and affordable solution to your inventory management needs? STASH storage is happy to be your on-demand storage provider. 

With locations throughout North Carolina and South Carolina, we’re redefining how individuals and businesses store their valuable belongings. Reach out to us, or request a free quote today!

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