Choosing the Right Storage Option for Building Contractors

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Which is Better? On-Demand vs Self Storage for Building Contractors

Whether it’s self storage or full service storage, building contractors need the best services for protecting their essential equipment. Building contractors rely on expensive tools to get their jobs done. But in between projects, those same tools remain at risk of damage, rust, or theft. For that reason, many building contractors seek out storage facilities to help protect their equipment, materials, and other work-related investments. 

But how do building contractors choose the right storage option for them? With full service and self storage options available, it’s important to know which choice provides contractors the best service for their money.

The Difference Between Self Storage and On-Demand Storage

With the increasing popularity of valet service storage, many contractors ask how full service storage differs from self storage, particularly in how it serves the needs of the repair industry. Self service storage has been the standard for general repair, and it tends to be more well known.  But, increasingly, building contractors are seeking out full service storage due to its price flexibility and delivery options. 

Self Storage

  • Requires personal transportation of materials
  • Requires personal organization of unit
  • Flexibility to drop-off and pick-up as desired
  • Pay per space, not per item

On-Demand Storage

  • Provides pick-up/drop-off of tools and equipment
  • Organized and digitally cataloged items
  • Schedulable delivery options
  • Options to pay per item

Why On-Demand Storage Makes Sense for Building Contractors 

Valet storage services might sound extravagant, but in reality, they perfectly suit a building contractor’s needs. With full service storage, building contractors can schedule delivery of their equipment and tools directly to their job site. And, when they’re done, they simply order them picked up again. With full service storage, there’s no need to have access to your own trucks or rigs, and contractors can save valuable time on trips to their unit. 

Full service storage can be cheaper, too. Seasonal equipment and bulky materials often require significant space in a unit that isn’t needed year round. With full service storage companies like STASH, building contractors save money by paying per item, not per space. There’s no contract trapping you into a storage unit larger than your needs, just because you might need it one month out of the year. There’s no need to pay for space you aren’t using. 

And finally, full service storage units like STASH have climate-controlled units, protecting tools and equipment from excess heat and humidity. You don’t need to worry about the damage that hot and humid units cause your equipment

Oh, and as a bonus–you never need to deal with always needing the one thing at the far back of your unit. At STASH, we take care of all the organization for you.

Building Contractors Choose STASH

If you’re a building contractor in North Carolina or South Carolina, the storage experts at STASH are happy to help. Reach out to us today or request a free quote to learn about our quality services at affordable prices and services for individuals and businesses alike.

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