4 Reasons STASH Storage is Perfect for College Students

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4 Reasons STASH Storage is Perfect for
College Students

You carved out a favorite spot at the library to cram for finals, and you hit one last round of parties to say goodbye to all your friends.

You calculated precisely when you’re going to leave campus … 60 seconds after your last final … and you even coordinated your ride home for the summer.

But wait a minute, what about all your stuff?!? You’ve got to be out of your apartment in less than a week!!!

The shoe rack, the Keurig, the dishes, the printer, the rug, the wastebasket, the space heater … what are you going to do with all that stuff you don’t want to take home?

No worries! STASH Storage is here to help.

STASH is your best on-demand storage resource for four very important reasons.

two men carrying mattress from stash storage storage and moving truck in front of home

  1. We Pick It Up: We deliver empty STASH boxes to you. You pack your stuff and you’re done. We pick up your boxes and take it to storage while you keep cramming, or partying.
  2. We Catalog It: Don’t worry, our STASH boxes are barcoded and scannable, and we photograph the contents. We know what’s packed away… and where it’s at.
  3. We Safely Store It: Our durable STASH boxes protect your stuff from anything that could get inside … from the elements to pests to people. Your stuff is safe and sound.
  4. We Bring It Back: We don’t deliver your stuff when it works for us, we deliver when it works for you … just in time for next semester. Our convenient STASH app puts you in complete control.

When it comes to on-demand storage options for college students, there’s only one … STASH Storage.

Visit STASHstorage.com or call 800-230-0328 today to schedule your pickup.

And … go ahead … hit one more party before heading home for the summer.

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three sizes of stash storage moving vans and trucks with drivers waving from vehicles